Monday, November 25, 2013

Cell Phones on Planes: How about the bathroom?

I've ranted about people who talk on their cells in the airport, about people who talk about inane things on their cells while the plane is on the ground and I recently ranted about people on cells in the bathroom (in the cubicle, on the toilet, mind you!)

So you'd naturally think I'd be totally against the FCC proposal allowing people to talk on their cells in-flight. The FCC plans to invite public comment on a proposal that, if adopted, would give airline carriers the  ability to allow passengers to use their mobile wireless devices, such as cellphones, to communicate  with cellular frequency equipment while flying above 10,000 feet. More

Of course the missing pieces to this proposal are which carriers will permit this lunacy and what they will charge. I'm pretty disgusted with commercial travel anyway, but I have come up with an idea...

My idea: Cell phone conversations will be confined to the bathrooms on planes.   

Now that will take care of at least three of my pet peeves! They won't talk long. It will be expensive. And, they'll have the bathroom all to themselves while they talk. AND BEST OF ALL, I WON'T HAVE TO HEAR THE CONVO!


  1. I polled the Facebook fans at My Itchy Travel Feet and none of them were in favor of cell phone usage on planes. Good rant!

  2. A flight is a great time to escape from your mobile and emails. Keep the ban I say!

  3. I ranted/vented/blogged on this last year when Virgin Atlantic was threatening to allow cell phone voice conversations. Let people text and email, but it's hard to have "quiet car" at 36,000 feet.
